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Read about Kori

Read about Kori

Below is an interview with 27-year-old Cleveland mom Kori Javoroski about her Home Visiting experience. 

Help Me Grow: What made you interested in Home Visiting?
Kori: It was something that was recommended to me at the hospital and it was my first kid. I didn’t know what I was doing, and I thought I could use the help.

What was it like to have a home visitor?
It was helpful. She’s been very supportive and very non-judgmental, which has been really helpful. I’ve never been afraid to ask her any kind of question I’ve had, and she’s always had just what I needed to hear.

What was the best part of your experience?
Just having a support system that I can reach out to at pretty much any time. Being able to ask questions whenever I need without having to go and alert doctors or other people who might judge me.

Was there anything you didn't like about Home Visiting?
No. It’s been a completely positive experience. I haven’t really had any problems. 

What have you learned from your home visitor?
What haven’t I learned from her? Basically, she’s the one who taught me all the milestones I need to be looking for, which ones he’s a little bit slower on – he’s been really ahead in a lot of things and slow in a couple of things. But she tells me how to work with him and tells me if what I’m doing is right or wrong. I feel like, even though it’s my first kid, [I'm learning] through the proxy of somebody else’s knowledge.

What would you tell other families who are considering Home Visiting?
I’ve been shaking my sister-in-law down for a while trying to get her to do it. It’s just nothing but useful. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences, so I can’t fathom why people wouldn’t just use it. It's so non-judgmental, because I feel like that’s what everybody’s biggest concern is when I tell them about it. They’re like “I don’t need somebody sniffing through my business.” It’s really just not like that.

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