Submitted by Kiara Herbert, June 2022
Photo: Kiara's youngest daughter, Twanna, at four months old.
"Since 2007, I have been in the Help Me Grow [Home Visiting] program with all my four daughters. It has been a great experience, and I have learned so much.
The program has helped me physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. When I was a young mom, Home Visiting helped me with baby diapers, wipes, bibs, and much more. They even gave me resources to help me with my own life. At times I was depressed and stress out because I didn’t have anyone to talk to. I would always reach out to my Help Me Grow [home visitor] and it made me feel so good inside. It’s nice to know that people care and are willing to help you.
The program has helped me with both lifestyle and mom skills. I've received advice and healthy tips to be a healthy mom and care for a healthy baby. If it was not for Help Me Grow, I don't know where I would be. I would not know the important things I know now. My new baby girl is four months old now, big and healthy.
I am still in the Help Me Grow program today. I want all mothers to know that if you ever feel scared to talk to someone, don't hesitate to reach out to Help Me Grow because they are happy to help you with all your pregnancy, baby, family, and mom needs.
Thank you, Help Me Grow, for being a life saver."
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